Multiple Offers and the Risk when Buying a House in Greater Vancouver by Shali Tark from shali on Vimeo.
Shali Tark: Hi I’m Shali! Today I want to talk about multiple offers, yes were back there again they’re starting to happen again so you need to be aware of what to do and what not to do you maybe pre-approved for a certain amount but you certainly want to take caution if you’re going to go in a subject free and not put in a subject to finance. Why? Because even though you’ve been pre-approved by the lender it is not guaranteed it may not appraised out at the value that you’re certainly putting in a bid for and also the lender's right now give all the changes in the industry have different constraints from the time maybe that you were approved so you want to be aware of that so get in touch with me to see how else you can have an edge rather than just going in cash or removing all the subjects. If you have any questions you can reach me at or you can comment below. Have a great day!