The Importance of a Home Inspection by Shali Tark from shali on Vimeo.
Shali Tark: Hi! I’m Shali and today I just want to talk about the importance of doing an inspection. I know sometimes with the strata property it may seem like you can forgo it because all the informations going to be in the strata documents but it is a great idea to always do an inspection. First of all you may not be aware of all the problems and they have all their fancy equipment that can detect certain things even at they’re no longer a problem just the evidence of being there. The other thing I personally like about inspection is especially when it’s single family homes is inspection do a walk through with you and they familiarize you with the home where the valves and what you should do with the winter time, spring time things like that and those are great information for you to know give the age of the property and the structure itself. So don’t just think of an inspection as a possible finding problems but also educating yourself about the house. If you have any questions feel free to reach me at or you can comment below.