BC Assessed Value vs Market Value for your Vancouver House by Shali Tark from shali on Vimeo.
Shali Tark: HI I’m Shali and I wanted to talk about assessed values I know everybody’s got in their assessments in, in the last couple of weeks and it’s been mixed emotions because it’s good but then you also have to pay taxes on that so maybe not so good. But if you are thinking of selling your home do not just take the assessed value as market value it is not at all the same thing. Keep in mind the assessed values were calculated based of July 2016 sales and assets so the market is not the same as it was in July 2016 in some areas it’s better in some areas it’s not or it’s the same. Either way you cannot just say that that’s market value so the best is to get in touch with me let me know what you’re thinking and we can start get you what process and figure out what market value should be if you’re thinking of listing your home today. So if you have any questions shali@shalitark.com or feel free to comment below. Have a great day!